What to expect
When you arrive
On your first visit you will be asked to complete a confidential screening questionnaire to determine if there are any health or mobility issues that need to be addressed before and during class. I will always be there before and after class if there are any issues you wish to discuss or to address a specific goal during exercise.
FLexercise Class
As a fully qualified FLexercise teacher my classes are unique, part dance but all fun. The system is a mix of low impact physical exercises, yoga and movement designed to improve your posture, body alignment and balance leaving you with more energy and a spring in your step.
To find out more visit the website www.fl-exercise.com.
Throughout the session I will offer low impact and higher energy options, plus suggested adaptations so you can work at the right impact and intensity level for you.
Warm Up
Mobilise joints
Warm up muscles
Slowly increase heart rate
Main Workout
Posture and mobility exercises
Balance work
Hand held weights
Floor/chair work
Cool Down
Lowering the heart rate
Stretching exercises
Relax muscles
Aiding recovery
Resistance exercises
During my classes we often use handheld weights, resistance bands and sometimes medicine balls and kettle bells.
It is important to maintain strong bones for a fracture free future. Regular exercise, good nutrition and lifestyle habits are essential. Loading bones through exercise helps the bones retain their density. Weight bearing exercises like those included in FLexercise make you work against gravity and help to strengthen bones.
Research suggests that exercise not only arrests the thinning of the bones, but can actually increase bone density.
Find out more on the FLexercise website.
What to wear
Loose or stretchy top
Loose or stretchy trousers, 3/4s
or shorts
Trainers or bare feet are advisable and wear something you feel comfortable exercising in – stretchy or loose clothing is ideal.
Don’t worry if you don’t have a full gym outfit, anything you can move easily in is fine.
What to bring

A bottle of water

A mat for floor work

Optional – small handheld weights
(small water bottles or even baked bean tins make a great alternative to gym weights)